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Vampire - The Dark Ages

Vampire: the Dark Ages is a Roleplaying Game for the World of Darkness. In Vampire: the Dark Ages you play vampires in the 12th century's medieval Europe. Vampire; the Dark Ages was first published in 1996 and is in the same generation of historical Role Playing Games by White Wolf as Werewolf: the Wild West, Mage: the Sorcerer's Crusade, Wraith: the Oblivion and Changeling: the Dreaming.
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What is World of Darkness?

World of Darkness is a d10 roleplaying horror/dark mystery system that works on the premise that all supernatural and mythological creatures exist is our world. It is based in our real world, and consists of several other systems that cross over and intertwine with each other, depending on what part of the world's mythos you want to be part of. Most known titles for World of Darkness include Vampire: the Masquerade, Mage: the Awakening and Changeling: the Dreaming.

A Storyteller System

Vampire: the Dark Ages as all other White Wolf titles focus a lot on the aspect of storytelling as opposed to so-called Hack-n-Slash Roleplaying. It takes the premise of the different supernatural lores and put them in a human perspective. F.x. Vampire: the Dark Ages take the vampiric condition and lets you explore themes such as morality, depravity, and appreciation of the human condition in its absence.