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MtG - Strixhaven

Magic the Gathering Strixhaven release date er den 23. April 2021

Strixhaven MtG er det første Magic the Gathering set som handler om en stor magiskole ved navn Strixhaven og dens elever, lærere og guilds. Det Bliver spændende at se hvad det kan bringe til Magic The gathering spillet! Der er ingen tvivl om at Magic the Gathering Strixhaven nok skal blive en kæmpe Succes! Især fordi Magic the Gathering Strixhaven bringer masterpieces tilbage som ekstra sjældne pulls i deres Magic the gathering Strixhaven booster pakker.
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Strixhaven Magic the Gathering er fyldt med magi! 

Magic The Gathering Strixhaven er et magisk sted af hvor hvert valg kan have et finurlig udfald, men også give dig kæmpe viden og hæder! Fra beboernes synspunkt er det et sted der kun er for de udvalgte, et sted hvor alle troldmænd både arbejder sammen men også kæmper om at være den stærkeste.
Bag hver bogreol og i hvert studierum finder du intelligente troldmænd, magikere og studerende som alle kun er der for at øge deres viden, som giver en hård og struktureret stemning hvor alle kæmper for at få den hæder som kun troldmænd kan det!! 
Magic the Gathering Strixhaven er den næste Standard legale udvidelse til Magic the Gathering kortspillet, herunder kan du læse mere om de produkter der udkommer sammen med sættet den 23. April 2021.

Følgende produkter kan du få fra Magic The Gathering Strixhaven hos Epic Panda

Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Prerelease Packs

Magic the Gathering Strixhaven Prerelease pakker, giver en spiller et lille glimt ind i den magiske verden som Strixhaven er blevet til.
Strixhaven prerelease pakker bliver brugt under prerelease af Strixhaven, Normalt er det prerelease en række sealed turneringer henover weekenden før den officielle udgivelse af Magic the Gathering Strixhaven
Dog under Corona/Corvid -19 er det tilladt at sælge Stay at home Strixhaven Prerelease pakkerne til hjemme turneringer, i stedet for at afholde Magic the Gathering Strixhaven Prerelease turneringer.

En Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Prerelease Pakke får du følgende
  • Strixhaven Draft Booster pakker
  • 1 Foil promo-stamped rare eller mythic rare fra Strixhaven
  • 1 Spindown liv tæller terning
  • MTG Arena kode kort*

Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Draft Boosters

Strixhaven Draft Boosters er de klassiske Magic boostere vi kender fra de sidste 20+ år med 15 kort fra et sæt designet til en balanceret Magic Draft oplevelse . Disse Strixhaven booster pakker er "the backbone" af Magic og nøglen til at bygge et vel ballanceret deck i et Sealed format så som Draft eller Magic Prerelease. hvert Strixhaven Draft Booster display indeholder 36 Strixhaven Draft Booster pakker.

Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Set Boosters

Strixhaven Set boosters er "the go-to" for spillere som elsker at at åbne magic the gathering booster pakker, bare fordi det er sjovt! og med masser af muligheder for at trække lækre kort! Lige som Strixhaven Collector Boosters er til for samlere og Strixhaven Draft Booster pakker er til for drafting, så er Strixhaven Set Booster Pakker til for at åbne Magic Booster pakker til at se hvad der er i dem. 

Der er mindst et foil magic kort i hver Strixhaven Set Booster Pakke. og der kan sagtens være en Foil Rare eller Foil Mythical Rare, så det er muligt at få flere end en Foil i en Strixhaven Set Booster Pakke..
Og det stopper ikke der, for der er faktisk mulighed for a få endnu flere Rares end bare 2, der er nemlig hele 3 slots at få et rare kort på, nemlig wildcard slot, the rare slot, and the foil slot, there a several ways to get more than one rare in a Set Booster.
SÅ nej vent, der også en 25% chance for at token kortet er byttet ud med et kort fra "the list" og her kan der også være et rare kort! og hvad er så The list? The list er en interessant samling af  kort fra alle steder i Magic the Gatherings historie og der er printet i deres originale form, (inkl. art, frame, og expansion symbol) plus et lille Planeswalker symbol i deres nederste venstre hjørne..
Hver Strixhaven Set Booster Display indeholder 30 Strixhaven Set Booster Pakker

Hver Strixhaven Set booster indeholder: 
  • 1 Strixhaven art card
  • Strixhaven full-art basic land
  • Strixhaven thematically connected commons and uncommons
  • Strixhaven “head-turning” card
  • Strixhaven wildcard rarity cards
  • Strixhaven rare or mythic rare
  • Strixhaven guaranteed foil card
  • 1 Token, ad card, or card from The List

Magic the Gathering Strixhaven Collector Boosters

Strixhaven Collector Boosters er supercharged Strixhaven booster pakker, fyldt med alt det bedste. hver Booster Pakke indeholder 15 af de mest eftertragtet kort fra Strixhaven, med borderless og masser af Foil.

Hver magic the gathering Strixhaven Collector Booster pakke indeholder:
  • 15 Strixhaven cards, designed to show off the most beautiful cards of the set
  • 1 Double-sided foil token

Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Commander Decks

Commander er ikke kun det mest populære Magic the gathering format  -  Det også det mange nye spillere prøver kræfter med første gang de spiller magic. Strixhaven Commander Decks  er designed til at lære at spille Magic gennem commander en god og nem oplevelse for nye spillere.
MTG Strixhaven Commander Deck Display. Disse decks er den perfekte rampe til at lade folk dykke ned i Commander eller bare magic generelt! i Strixhaven sættet er de 2 planeswalker decks byttet ud med 2 Commander decks.

Hvert Strixhaven Commander Decks indeholder_
  • 99-card Deck
  • 1 Foil commander
  • 10 Double-sided tokens
  • 1 Deck box
  • 1 Life wheel

Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Bundle

Strixhaven Bundle er hvad man kan boksen for samlere, her får du lidt af det hele! med 10 Strixhaven Draft Boostere og Foil Basic Lande, og alt muligt andet godt! så er du kommet til det rigtige sted! , det hele er samlet i en lækker æske til at have det hele i.
Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Bundle er et meget populært gave produkt!

Magic The gathering Strixhaven Bundle indeholder:
  • 10 Strixhaven Draft Boosters
  • 20 Foil basic lands
  • 20 Non-foil basic lands
  • 1 Foil promo card
  • 1 Oversized Spindown life counter (1.5″)
  • 2 Reference cards
  • 1 Reusable storage box

Dette skriver Magic the Gathering om Strixhaven på Wizards of the Coast egen hjemmeside.

Welcome, students!

In just a few weeks, class will be in session at the prestigious Strixhaven: School of Mages, and we're so glad you've chosen to begin your mystical studies with us! You represent the best and the brightest the Multiverse has to offer, and we represent all the knowledge one could possibly hope to learn as a blossoming mage practicing your mage craft.

As a new student, you'll be joining one of our five colleges based on your aptitudes and desired areas of study. It's important to choose a college that best fits you, and today, we're here to help you on that journey!

So, let's take a tour of our prestigious colleges and learn a little bit about each. Don't worry, orientation will cover more of this in detail later in March when you arrive on campus. For now, take a look around and see what strikes your intellectual curiosity! If we have time, we may even peek at our vast library of spells from the furthest reaches of magic in our Biblioplex!


Each of our Colleges was founded by the elder dragon whose name each school bears. Our founders were paragons of magic and knowledge, and each school strives to match its founder's vision and magical aptitudes! We won't be meeting the founders today, but with any amount of luck, they may show up at orientation!

Take careful consideration of each college and start giving thought to which one you'll choose!


Lorehold art

Loreholds are diligent researchers and daring adventurers. Passionate scholars obsessed with history, they explore the past by pouring over archaeological artifacts and summoning long-dead spirits. For some students, the past is a rich tapestry worthy of disciplined study. While others wear that tapestry like a cape as they jump down into a forgotten tomb. Their motto is "Leave no stone unturned."

Here's an example of powerful Lorehold magic!

Lorehold Command


Prismari art

Prismari are the theatre kids of Strixhaven, and magic is how they express themselves. Their spells can be spectacles of raw creativity or meticulous artistic expressions. All the world's a stage, and whether their art is informed by mind or emotion, Prismari always leave a lasting impression. Their motto is "Express yourself with the elements."

Here's an example of powerful Prismari magic!

Prismari Command


Quandrix art

Quandrix mages are ingenious math magicians. They study patterns, fractals, and symmetries to command power over the fundamental forces of nature. They'll solve a Rubik's Cube while contemplating the metaphysical properties of the universe and can recite every number of Pi backwards. Their motto is "Math is magic."

Here's an example of powerful Quandrix magic!

Quandrix Command


Silverquill art

Silverquills wield the magic of words, from inspiring battle poetry to biting arcane insults. Stylish, intimidating, and tirelessly competitive, these mages are born leaders with a razor-sharp wit and natural charisma that can be used for good or for ill. Their motto is "Sharp style. Sharper wit."

Here's an example of powerful Silverquill magic!

Silverquill Command


Witherbloom art

Witherblooms are goth bio majors. They draw power from the essence of living beings, whether that means enhancing nature or exploiting it. Witherbloom mages are most at home riding zombie crocs, picking herbs for potions, and hanging out in their swamp making grim jokes. Their motto is "Get your hands dirty."

Here's an example of powerful Witherbloom magic!

Witherbloom Command


Whatever area of study you should choose, you will have access to our vast library of resources with spells and knowledge spanning all of magic! Some spells are certainly too dangerous and powerful even for careful mages, but at Strixhaven, we value knowledge above all else and thus have a library of historical spells to rival any other!

This collection, housed in what we call our Mystical Archive, contains a litany of spells from simple mind-spells to powerful and deadly spells most shudder to look toward. We house them in our Biblioplex and, lucky us! Professor Onyx happens to be sifting through several tomes right here with students Rowan and Will. Normally, only students get a look, but we'll make an exception for today.

Mystical Archive Demonic TutorMystical Archive OptMystical Archive Swords to Plowshares

Additionally, since we have a significant portion of foreign language students, the Mystical Archive is available in all languages, but we have something additional and special for our Japanese students! To learn more (and see more), visit here later today.

I'm sure you have many questions about the Mystical Archive and how you can access it. Please save your questions for the end of the tour. We'll hand out a pamphlet with more details on the Mystical Archive below.


And with that, our tour of Strixhaven has ended. I'm including a map of the campus to help you get your bearings straight, and I'm also including a pamphlet, which you'll find below, with some of the more mundane—but important—details of your time with us. We so look forward to your orientation in just a few short weeks and are excited to begin exploring the Multiverse of Magic here at Strixhaven!

Strixhaven campus map


For those who wish to expand their learning on Strixhaven, here are a few more details.


There will be five Commander decks, one for each school. Commander (2021 Edition) features 81 new cards. Each deck will focus on the colors and themes of its associated college!

The decks are named:

  • Silverquill Statement
  • Prismari Performance
  • Witherbloom Witchcraft
  • Lorehold Legacies
  • Quantum Quandrix

We can't quite show you the face cards since they contain secrets about Strixhaven not quite ready for the outside world, but stay tuned! We'll be introducing you to the leaders of these decks come orientation day!

What we can tell you is that you'll notice some differences with the packaging for Commander decks starting with Strixhaven. As part of a larger push toward moving away from plastic packaging, Commander decks available through your local game store will use reduced plastic packaging—only the wrap around the cards themselves will be plastic (and we're working on updating that, too!). We'll share more as we get closer, but we're excited to roll out this updated packaging.


There are many ways to visit Strixhaven! From Draft Boosters and Set Boosters to Bundles and more—including enjoying the benefits the school of your choice at Prerelease events—there are options aplenty to tailor your experience. We will, of course, be sharing more details closer to your orientation.

STX Draft Booster Display
STX Draft Boosters
STX Set Booster Display
STX Set Boosters
STX Theme Boosters
STX Bundle


Naturally, the wonders of our Biblioplex draw the most attention, and with good reason! We have a vast library of spells from throughout space and time, and we'll be granting access to 63 of these on your first trip to Strixhaven. These spells come from across time, so their inclusion in the Mystical Archive does not affect their format legality. That means no Demonic Tutor in your Standard tournaments, but if you open one in a draft, Tutor away.

The Mystical Archive is open to all, and you'll receive one copy—from its own dedicated slot—in each Draft Booster and each Set Booster, and at least three in each Collector Booster!

The Japanese variants for Mystical Archive will be found in Japanese Draft, Set, and Collector Boosters, and at least one will come in Collector Boosters in all languages!

Both the regular and Japanese versions of Mystical Archive cards will come in foil and, found only in Collector Boosters, the new foil-etched treatment. We know that those of you who maintain your own biblioplexes will want more information, and we'll have that as we arrive on Strixhaven later in March!