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Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 - Dungeon Masters Guide - Core Rulebook 2 (B Grade) (Used) (Eng)

Lagerbestand:Auf Lager 
Preis 21,00 EUR   (bei 1 stück)
inkl. MwSt

Lager in Dänemark - 2-3 Tage Lieferung

Dungeon Master's Guide - Core Rulebook II - Dungeons and Dragons 3.0

You've got the Player's Handbook, but you need more - you're the Dungeon Master, and it's up to you to create adventures and worlds for your friends' characters to experience, explore and conquer.

D&D 3 - Dungeon Master's Guide - Core Rulebook II contains everything you need - from special high-level classes to magic items, artifacts, and more! You're the Dungeon Master, and all the Dungeons & Dragons 3 secrets are yours!

D&D 3 - Dungeon Master's Guide - Core Rulebook 2 contains everything you need from high level classes to magic items. It is up to you to create adventures and worlds for the other players with the help of DnD 3 - Dungeon Master's Guide - Core Rulebook 2. D&D 3 - Dungeon Master's Guide - Core Rulebook II is for you when you want to be in charge and run the show. Need more then creating a character and fighitng monsters, this is the book.

Dungeons & Dragons 3 - Dungeon Master's Guide is published by Wizards of the Coast.

Bewertung für Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 - Dungeon Masters Guide - Core Rulebook 2 (B Grade) (Used) (Eng)
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