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Playstation 4 - Dual Shock 4 Wireless Controller - 20th anniversary limited edition - PS4 (B Grade) (Used)

Lagerbestand:Auf Lager 
Lieferzeit 1 - 2 Tage
Preis 47,00 EUR   (bei 1 stück)
inkl. MwSt

Lager in Dänemark - 2-3 Tage Lieferung

Used Dual Shock 4 Wireless Controller - 20th anniversary limited edition - PS4 Accessories

The DualShock 4 (CUH-ZCT1 or CUH-ZCT2) is the PlayStation 4's controller. It has several new features from DualShock 3. One new feature is a built-in two-point capacitive touch pad on the front of the controller, which can be clicked. This allows the touch pad to represent multiple buttons, as demonstrated in the PS4 version of Elite Dangerous in which the four corners of the touch pad can be mapped to a separate clickable actions. The controller supports motion detection via a three-axis gyroscope and three-axis accelerometer and vibration.

This description is borrowed from Wikipedia.

This product has been tested by our Technical Panda and comes with a 2 year warranty.

The pictures used are dummy pictures, used as a close representation of the console you will recieve.

Bewertung für Playstation 4 - Dual Shock 4 Wireless Controller - 20th anniversary limited edition - PS4 (B Grade) (Used)
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