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Game Genie - Gameboy Original - Gameboy Original Accessories (B Grade) (Used)

Lagerbestand:Auf Lager 
Lieferzeit 2 - 3 Days Tage
Preis 54,00 EUR   (bei 1 stück)
inkl. MwSt

Lager in Dänemark - 2-3 Tage Lieferung

Used Game Genie - Gameboy Original

This accessory, which mounts in a GameBoy's cartridge port, allows you to modify the game experience of your games, for instance by allowing you to start in a specific level, or granting yourself additional lives. 

This Game Genie will only work with a Gameboy Original console. 
It will not work with the Gameboy Color, Pocket, Advance or Advance SP models. 

The device can be modified to fit other consoles, but it is not recommended, since it runs the risk of damaging the console and the device in the process. 

This product has not been tested but comes with a 2 year warranty.

Bewertung für Game Genie - Gameboy Original - Gameboy Original Accessories (B Grade) (Used)
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